India Infrastructure Conclave: Enabling private sector participation in the infrastructure build-out

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 to know more about the 2017 edition




There has been an unprecedented step-up in the pace of infrastructure development in India in recent years, driven by government spending.  


Private sector investment in infrastructure, however, remains muted. It’s critical that script changes, and ‘patient’ private capital is encouraged, which can be done only through win-win frameworks.


Given the milieu, we hosted the ‘Crisil India Infrastructure Conclave 2018: Enabling private sector participation in the infrastructure build-out’.


The first edition of the conclave in 2017 received magnificent response with over 200 senior stakeholders present. It was also where we launched the first edition of the Crisil Infrastructure Yearbook and the Crisil InfraInvex, India’s first index of its kind.


This year again, the conference brought together senior leaders from the infrastructure domain. The objective was to highlight and identify viable models and strategic interventions to revive public-private-partnership (PPP) so that there’s no stopping the great Indian infrastructure build-out.


The conclave also featured the launch of the second edition of the Crisil India Infrastructure Yearbook 2018


Programme Highlights


 Theme session


Vectoring private capital

In recent years, the government has done the heavy lifting in terms of infrastructure investments. However, with large-scale infrastructure build-outs planned, a material ramp-up in private sector investments is critical. This session will deliberate on the specific enablers needed with respect to equitable risk allocation, contract flexibility, innovative financing and regulatory framework to revive and scale private investment in infrastructure.



Concurrent break-out sessions: RamPPPing up


Transport: Shifting gears

The transport sector typically gets the lion’s share of infrastructure spending in India. In the past few years, much of that has been bankrolled by the central government. While the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has managed to attract private capital by adopting an innovative PPP model – Toll Operate Transfer – the time is ripe for other transport segments to do an encore. This session intends to focus on ways in which the other PPP models in roads, airports and railways sectors can draw significant private capital.


Urban water supply: Getting the flow right

Improving urban water supply services will require private sector funding and expertise. However, past attempts to develop private sector investment-led PPP projects in the urban water supply sector has faced considerable challenges. The session will stimulate a discussion among industry participants, service providers and policy makers in providing a roadmap for improving urban water supply services through a true PPP spirit.


Power distribution: Recharging the distribution paradigm

Private participation in power distribution tasted initial success with the award of a franchise in Bhiwandi near Mumbai. Since then, a few more franchises have been awarded, but not all have been successful. In other words, PPP models are thriving only in select areas. But given the huge potential and critical nature of distribution in the power sector value chain, this session will discuss privatisation models that could finally deliver a win-win.




For any assistance/ query, please call: Sandhya Jangre | +91 22 3342 4160 |
