An accurate assessment of the credit rating of an entity depends on the availability of adequate and reliable information on the rated entity. Moreover, ratings by Crisil Ratings are under continuous surveillance over the life of the instrument which necessitates that Crisil Ratings has continuous access to adequate and reliable information on the rated entity to ensure that its rating reflects the most recent credit opinion. Absence of information significantly affects the ability to make accurate assessment of business, financial and management risk of an entity which drives the credit rating. Please refer to Crisil Ratings criteria titled 'Assessing Information Adequacy Risk’. In case the rated entity does not provide information and/or does not facilitate meetings with key personnel required for rating, that entity may be classified as Issuer Non Cooperative (INC). For entities classified as INC, Crisil Ratings will continue to review the ratings on an ongoing basis throughout the instrument/facility’s lifetime, on the basis of best available information.
In case an issuer has an investment grade rating outstanding with INC suffix for more than six months, then that will be necessarily downgraded to the non-investment grade, while maintaining the INC status. This is line with SEBI circular dated January 03, 2020 titled ‘Strengthening of the rating process in respect of INC ratings’ and subsequent clarifications provided by SEBI.