Grading Methodology
Our MFI grading is a current opinion on the ability of an MFI to conduct its operations in a scalable and sustainable manner. It is a measure of the overall performance of an MFI on a broad range of parameters under Crisil's MICROS framework. These MFI gradings are assigned on an eight-point scale - mfR1 (highest grading) to mfR8 (lowest grading) with a high grading denoting a greater degree of scalability and sustainability.
The CRAMEL methodology adopted by Crisil in the credit rating of banks and other financial entities has been appropriately modified in the MFI grading framework so as to address issues specific to the microfinance sector. For risk assessment of MFIs, Crisil has devised the 'MICROS' framework which assigns due weightage.
The MICROS Methodology is as following:
The universe for evaluating institutions under the MFI grading service consists of MFIs operating across India. Our MFI gradings are one-time assessments based on information provided by MFIs.