Voluntary Organisation Offerings

Crisil offers a bouquet of assessment and screening services for stakeholders in the not-for-profit space. The voluntary organisation (VO) grading, for one, offers comprehensive assessment of a not-for-profit, with detailed insights on its governance structure, management capabilities, processes, programme implementation capabilities, funding profile, and cost structure. Such an exercise helps VOs address issues and pointers that corporate donors and institutional funders typically look for in their grant-making process. For a prospective donor, the VO grading report highlights the delivery capabilities of the VO being considered for funding. The grading can be applied to VOs undertaking programmes in diverse sectors. Crisil also offers customised screening of VOs on predefined parameters to institutional funders/aggregators and corporate donors.


Voluntary Organisation Gradings

Crisil Voluntary Organisation Gradings offers independent opinion on the relative capability of a voluntary organisation to achieve its stated objectives in a sustained manner. It offers credible, objective, and well-researched information in the not-for-profit space, where organisations vie for donor support and donors are looking to support organisations that best suit their social development goals. It also offers a 360° view on the organisation's objectives, performance, and capability.


Crisil VO Grading evaluates a VO against its peers on two dimensions:

Delivery capability: Assessment of a VO's track record, management profile, policies, processes, and programme on a five-point scale.

Financial proficiency: Assessment of a VO's ability to manage its revenue and expenditure profile, on a three-point scale.


Crisil VO Grading advantage


Voluntary organisation

  • Looking to enhance its credibility among its prospective donors
  • Interested in a well-researched opinion to have its strengths and weaknesses assessed
  • Desiring an objective, third-party opinion on its capability to achieve its stated goals
  • Seeks a peer comparison as well as to identify best practices
  • Looking to map its capacity improvement through periodic assessments
  • Looking to reduce due diligence costs


  • Seeking credible opinion on a VO's capability and credentials, as well as its track record
  • Looking for assessment of potential risks a VO is facing  in terms of its approach, operations, as well as its programmes, in comparison with its peers
  • Seeking information on whether the chosen VO meets prescribed standards of operational efficiency, transparency and reporting
  • Desiring a tailor-made assessment tool that fulfils specific needs for information, comparison, analytical expertise, and credibility
  • Looking to reduce due diligence costs


Product details


Crisil VO Screen is a service Crisil offers to institutional clients (including corporates and donors) which aim to screen their VO partners (or prospective partners) on various parameters listed in the VO screen framework (Figure 1). The VO screen involves screening of parameters based on desk review of information and documents provided by the screened VO. Crisil VO Screen is a factual report and does not include any analytical insight, opinion, diagnostic input, or outlook pertaining to the screened VO. 


VO screen framework


The VO screen framework can be broadly divided in following 10 parameters:



VO screen is a point in time exercise which screens information pertaining to VO as on the report date. The VO screen report is valid for one year from the report date. Crisil recommends users to undertake screening of the VO again after expiration of validity or occurrence of any event that may have a material adverse impact on a VO’s functioning, or any material change in the underlying information which formed the basis of VO the Screen Report.


No surveillance


Crisil’s VO Screen is one-time exercise based on the information provided by the VO. Crisil does not monitor the organisation on an ongoing basis.  


  • Interested in our SME offerings? Please call or email us at:
    +1800 103 3453

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