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Explore Crisil, a company of S&P Global

Formerly known as Global Research & Risk Solutions

Multi-factor manager performance attribution


A Large US based Insurance firm


  • The client, a leading asset management company, wanted to identity parameters that can help in analyzing and assessing the security selection skill of a portfolio manager in a portfolio

Execution highlights

  • Employed multi-factor performance attribution model to study active returns breakdown to identify skill-based returns.
  • Aggregate time-series data for all funds to create panel data and in turn perform analysis to assess manager’s skill and also highlight its persistence over a long timeframe
  • Performed regression analysis along with various other descriptive analysis using MATLAB. Used independent variables like risk, duration, volatility and the dependent variable was active returns.
  • Wrote efficient codes for running regressions & performing various robustness tests. Automated entire process starting from loading new data feeds on a monthly basis to running the regression model
  • Results were significant with factor exposures explaining excess returns for portfolio to a great extent

How CRISIL GR&RS made a difference


  • Client published the findings from the study as part of research paper, and attributed CRISIL GR&RS associate for the excellent work
  • This study helped in analyzing new strategies to generate active returns




Looking for high-end research and risk services? Reach out to us at:

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+1 646 292 3520


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+91 22 33 42 3000 /
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